D i s c o v e r S o o l
What Is Sool?

Is it your first time hearing the word ‘Sool’? You’re not alone! The word ‘Sool’ means ‘alcohol’ in Korean language, and can refer to anything from wine to whiskey. However it’s also a word that we use to describe all the categories of Korean rice alcohols, including makgeolli, cheongju, yakju & soju. In the same way that ‘Sake’ means alcohol in Japanese language but is recognized as the category for traditional rice wines, ‘Sool’ also can be used to refer to all the wonderful Korean rice wines.
Types of Sool

What is
T a k j u / M a k g e o l l i ?
Makgeolli is a fermented rice alcohol that is milky in appearance, and has a diverse flavour profile ranging from sweet to sour and even dry. Makgeolli is often diluted from its original state, so the alcohol content of makgeolli can range from 4% to 10%. Higher alcohol content makgeolli are more often referred to as ‘Takju’ which means ‘Cloudy alcohol’. Although they are very similar, we generally use the term ‘makgeolli’ to mean diluted and lower strength and ‘Takju’ to be a stronger and more complex brew more often at 10% to 19%.
What is
C h e o n g j u / Y a k j u ?

S o j u ?
Traditionally, high quality soju is distilled from the ‘Cheongju’ or ‘Yakju’. The word ‘Soju’ means ‘Burned Liquor’ and has a wide range of diversity over the regions of Korea. There are two categories of soju, ‘Table Strength’ soju and ‘Spirit Strength’ soju. Table strength is usually at an alcohol content of 16% to 25% and is enjoyed straight and with food. Spirit strength soju is stronger in ABV% and can be compared to white spirits such as vodka, shochu and jenever.