Your resource for

K o r e a n T r a d i t i o n a l A l c o h o l

The global leaders in Korean traditional alcohol education, experiences and consulting. Join us for makgeolli brewing classes, sool tasting events and unforgettable memories!

sool curious?

S o o l E x p e r i e n c e s

Immerse yourself in Korean alcohol culture with our brewing classes, tasting and tours

sool enthiuast?

O n l i n e C l a s s e s

Deepen your knowledge of Korean traditional alcohol through our expert-led online courses.

sool business?

P r o f e s s i o n a l S e r v i c e s

Access our consulting and export services for your sool-related business needs.

Featured Sool Experiences


Sool Tasting Class

Learn and experience about Sool. From its history to production techniques, our expert will share its knowledge and offer a full tasting.

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One-day Makgeolli Brewing Class

Learn to brew your own makgeolli from scratch in this comprehensive class! We will take you through the fundamentals of brewing makgeolli with an interactive and hands-on experience.

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Insa-Dong Makgeolli Tour

Join us on this tour where you will taste different varieties of it at three authentic restaurants. You will also learn about the culture and history of makgeolli from our expert guides

W h a t o u r c u s t o m e r s s a y

online classes

O n l i n e L e a r n i n g H i g h l i g h t

Embark on your Korean alcohol brewing journey from home. Our expert-led online classes, crafted since 2012, cater to all levels—from curious beginners to passionate hobbyists. Discover the art of makgeolli making and join our global brewing community today!
Business services

E x p l o r e o u r p r o f e s s i o n a l s e r v i c e s

From consulting on sool brewery setups to facilitating international exports, we offer comprehensive services for industry professionals.

Latest from our Blog

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Korean Alcohol News

The History of Soju

Soju is one of the most consumed beverages in the world today, especially in South Korea. In 2017, Koreans drank 3.6 billion bottles. That’s 86 bottles

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